Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Figuring out how to monetize

I've been working on websites for the last little while and haven't been blogging as I should but figured I'd let all my readers know that I haven't given up on becoming a successful entrepreneur. While I am working full time, I still NEED to become a successful entrepreneur so I've been feverishly completing websites and figuring out search engine optimization and getting traffic. I've been using Adwords for the past month (unsuccessfully at this time I might add), I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas of how to get traffic (for free.) If anyone is interested, websites we've done are:


Not to mention, I'm still actively getting my Melaleuca business going, it's just taking more time than I thought, and I've decided it makes more sense for me to try to get it going online. I figure if I get the seo stuff figured out, I'll stand more of a chance.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How to Increase Website Traffic for Free

I found this really cool information on how to increase website traffic as I've been trying to figure out how to bring traffic to sites. Check it out.

How to Increase Website Traffic for Free

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Many people spend a lot of money getting a website designed and created, but then find they have a limited budget with which to successfully launch their site with strong advertising campaigns. This needn't be a setback, however, because there are numerous ways in which to utilise free traffic generating methods, to get almost immediate traffic to your site, which are discussed in this article. Here's how to get tons of visitors to your website without spending any money.


  1. Optimize your website to be search-engine friendly. Submit it to various search engines and directories. In addition to major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN, it's worth submitting to lesser known web directories. If your website is listed in as many places as possible, it can boost your rankings in major search engines as well.
  2. Spread the word about your affiliate program by submitting it to affiliate program directories and contacting the owners of related websites.
  3. Create a links page that will contain the links to other non-competing websites in the same industry. Contact the owners of other websites with your proposal to exchange links. You will add their link to your links page, and they will link to your website in return.
  4. Post in forums. Visit the online discussion forums where people in your target market like to gather. Post useful responses to people's questions, and include a link to your website at the end of your post next to your name. Although you ultimately want to get your sig file with the link to your site seen as often as possible, don't overdo it with your posts, otherwise other forumites won't respect you, and therefore won't visit your site.
  5. Comment on blogs. Visit other people's blogs on the topic related to your website. Most blogs allow you to add comments about the issues being discussed. Add insightful comments about the blog topics, and leave your website link. Your comment and your link will permanently remain on the blog website.
  6. Create an e-mail "signature" - your name, your website address and a short tagline describing the main benefit of your site. Set your e-mail program to automatically add your signature to every e-mail that you send.
  7. Look into traffic exchanges. There are many types of traffic exchanges but the idea is the same - you team up with other webmasters, and they send you traffic in exchange for you sending them traffic. Search the web for "traffic exchange" to find those services.
  8. Create something of value that people will pass around. It can be a report with useful information that you allow people to give away. It can also be some kind of cool and unusual webpage that people will want to e-mail to all their friends. Of course, the pass-around item will include your advertisement and your link, spreading the word about your website. This is a "viral" strategy.
  9. Write articles on the topic related to your website, and include a link to your site in your author bio. Submit your articles to article directories, and allow people to publish your article in their newsletters and websites. Your articles will spread around the web like wildfire. People will read them and visit your website. The best part is that people who read your articles will regard you as an expert, and they will be much more likely to buy from you when they go to your website. How's that for a free publicity?
  10. Start an e-zine for your web site. When people read each issue they'll be reminded to revisit your web site. Submit it to all the free e-zine directories on the internet.A news letter!
  11. Start your own online discussion community. It could be an online message board, e-mail discussion list or chat room. When people get involved in your community, they will regularly return to communicate with others.

  12. Advertise your site at free classified ad sites. There are many of these on the net. Some of the more popular ones are craigslist, inetgiant, freeadvertisingforum, and gumtree.
  13. Join free safelists. These are lists of subscribers who have opted-in to send and receive emails to each other. You can instantly reach potentially thousands of people by sending out emails, and you don't have to worry about receiving spam complaints either because everyone on the list has opted-in to receive emails.
  14. Getting a myspace page could also increase your site traffic because hundreds of people will see it.
  15. Constantly update content on your webpage, so having a news section is a great deal for search engines especially.


  • Use word of mouth. Tell everyone you know about your website.
  • Whatever types of free advertising you decide to pursue, make sure that you use ad tracking software. This will allow you to track where your visitors are coming from, and what types of advertising are the most effective.
  • Start right here on wikiHow. Read up on how to publicize your website on wikiHow without breaking the rules. If you can provide quality content, you can create a win-win relationship where you share knowledge and get publicity in return.
  • Create Business Cards that have something like "This card is worth $400,000. Let me show you how" then have your url at the bottom of the card. There are websites out there that allow you to create and receive business cards for free.
  • For more in depth looks on ways to generate tons of free traffic go to http://www.MaverickMoneyMakerSquad.com and get the best online coaching available.


  • Steer clear of any advertising tactics that could be construed as spam.
  • Don't try to use meta data with the keywords that has nothing to do with your content because Google will bring your rank down

Related wikiHows

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Increase Website Traffic for Free. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Melaleuca product review

Hi everyone

Just to let everyone know who is following my blog what I'm up to, I've been working hard on getting my Melaleuca business up and running. I'm really excited about the products and the approach. Switch brands and save money. No trips to the store where you go in for laundry soap, come out with laundry soap, Oreos, and a bunch of other munchies. Order it online, and it's shipped directly to your door in a few days. No need to hop in the car and run to the grocery store, so therefore it's saving gas as well. Products are good for the environment too. A lot of products you're buying mostly water, especially with generic brands. Melaleuca products are highly concentrated so you use less, so they last a lot longer and they're simply a better quality product. For some products, you add your own water. A little container of Tub & Tile cleaner for example makes 4-24 oz bottles so you're definitely paying less than the average grocery store brand.

As far as using the products, I'm working on switching every product that I normally use that Melaleuca sells. I've been using laundry soap, Tub & Tile, Solumel, PreSpot stain remover, liquid soap, regular soap, body wash, shampoo and conditioner, makeup, cleanser and I'm sure I'm leaving out some products - and honestly - I haven't found one of those I haven't liked yet. A while back I had purchased the Soluguard, which kills 99.9% of household germs. That was the one product I wasn't fond of simply because of the smell. Now I'm told it smells a lot better, so I do have it already lined up as an order for next month. If you want more information regarding Melaleuca, go to www.melaleuca.com, then make a comment, let me know what you think, and if needed I can get you more information about it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Melaleuca - Why I'm going to be successful

Alright. As you may have noticed, I've had several blogs promoting different things on my way to becoming a successful entrepreneur. So far, I haven't found any of them to be scams. I'm actually using the MOIS system (My Online Income System) that I talk about in a few of my blogs to promote things I really think are very good.

On to Melaleuca. A few weeks ago a friend of mine talked me into going to a meeting. We had no intention of signing up, we wanted to listen and see if we could use part of the presentation for promoting what we were going to start promoting heavily. At the time it was Nexagen (although I believe the patch really does work, I decided it wasn't the money making opportunity that I wanted to promote.) We both had a change of heart. We listened to the presentation intently, then signed up the next day because we thought the opportunity was that good. We also knew that the people who were presenting would help us become successful, so I really liked the idea of not doing it on my own, but rather as a team of people who have nothing to lose if they help me to fulfill my dream of becoming successful.

The greatest thing about the team I'm working with is we have one of the #1 persons in the entire country with Melaleuca on the team, and there's already several making a lot of money. I'm seeing for myself that it does work, no scam here. I also love the Melaleuca products. I had been using them for a long while, I had been a customer a few years ago, but I had never heard the business side of it or I may be with it today and already be successful. I don't have to ask people to buy something they're not already using.

Simply switch brands of popular products like toothpaste and laundry soap, and they're delivered to your door month after month. Preferred customers get 30-40% off full price, so you're truly helping people save money on their grocery bills and building a business while doing it.

I'm sure as time goes on I'll be including more Melaleuca blogs as I'm not quitting any time soon, I'm determined to be successful with this, and to use it to become the successful entrepreneur that I know I can be. This week our team is hosting 4 Melaleuca parties (that I know of as I'm writing this.) 2 of these are ones that I set up myself, I'm that excited about it, and people close to me want to find out more about it themselves so offered their homes for parties. Tomorrow I'm excited that we're meeting with a member of our team that is very successful with it, and he's going to be the presenter at some of the parties, so we're really excited.

Nexagen Follow Up Blog

When I started my blog, I had decided it was going to be a place where I could tell people about my successes as well as my failures. So, this is my first post where I'm not promoting a product.

I'm still using the Nexagen weight loss patch, and it's still helping with my mood. I'm also continuing to use the product myself for 90 days as suggested to see exactly what it does for me. However, I have decided against promoting it as a money making opportunity. Note this is my own personal opinion based on what I've decided personally, one of you out there might have more success with it than I did.

What I found when talking to people is that no one seems to have the money to spend on it on a monthly basis (including myself), while everyone wants to try it, everyone has a problem with paying for it. As my approach was giving the product away, usually a week's worth for people to try out, people always love the idea, but their bills they already have were always more important. I don't like to keep trying things and changing midstream, so now I've found something that I really like a lot, and am determined to make it work. Over the next several weeks you will be hearing more about this opportunity.

Monday, July 13, 2009

What's happening in my world

I have been busy working in my new 'old' job. I've decided a job is a job is a job. At least it's a paycheck. I'm still using the weight loss patch and am very impressed so far. For now though, while I'm still using it, I've put it on the back burner as far as making a business out of it. I've decided it's too costly to hand out patches to friends and family members to try out for free.

Some of my friends and I decided to start working together to make some money. We do have a motto - 'failure is not an option.' We went to a few meetings and ran into a lady that is making lots and lots of money. Funny thing about this one is I had signed up once before (and I don't sign up for very many things), but I had never heard the business opportunity. I signed up because I liked the products. Now there is a group of us working together and we believe we are going to be successful. With this company, we do not try to sell a customer something that they're not already using. This company manufactures toothpaste, laundry soap, health products, pharmaceutecals, beauty products, over 300 products. That's a reason I like it, it's not just a few products like some of the others I'm looking at, but rather over 300 products... products that people use every single day...and they're a better value because they're highly concentrated so you use less.

You can also get discounts while shopping online at stores such as Target and Overstock.com. For the price of a Costco or Sam's Club membership, you can get products shipped directly to your door on a monthly basis. No need to get in the car and drive to the store, so not only are you saving money on products you use every day, but you're saving gas as well. You're also saving the environment because many products are highly concentrated, you add your own water, so you don't have as much bulky plastic packaging, so shipping costs less. Not to mention products are good for the environment. To find out more about these products, go to

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Another Nexagen post

Well, I know my last post was related to the Nexagen USA Jen Fe Fat Loss Power Patch. Well, now I've been wearing the patch for several weeks now, and I LOVE it. I am more energetic, I'm sleeping better at night, my mood's better, I'm just feeling great!My clothes are fitting better, weight isn't dropping off, but I figure it took years to put this weight on, it's not going to just drop off suddenly. It'll take time. If this product did nothing else though than helped me sleep or my mood, it'd be worth it to me.

When I started my blog with entrepreneur news, I was determined to make money online and be successful. That's still my plan, and it still hasn't changed. I still backup the products I've started to promote, and I will still continue to promote them. I started with an opportunity called My Online Income System, and it's still working for me. I can use the skills I learned there to promote whatever products I want, and that's great. I'm going to be a successful entrepreneur, I know it.

Now, however, I'm adding Nexagen USA products, not only because of a way to bring in income, but because I really like the idea of being able to help people. That's been my focus all along anyway, to share with readers my struggles as well as things that worked for me, so I can help other people become successful entrepreneurs. Nexagen USA has a great business opportunity as well as I love the fact that it's helping me as well as some friends out personally. I'm including some additional testimonials.

What I'm finding now is that I don't really have to promote it very much to people that know me, I either wear the patch where it's visable and people ask me what it is, and I explain it, or people come up to me and ask me what I'm doing as I look better than ever. Now I figure I'll start letting people know about it online as well as it's going to be my main focus when I start making money.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Nexagen Jen Fe Weight Loss Patch Review

The reason I'm including this in my entrepreneur blog, is a friend of mine asked me to go to a meeting 3 weeks ago to see something that I may be impressed with. He was thinking about signing up to sell their products, but he wanted a person unaffiliated with it to give an unbiased opinion. I listened, and I'm one that's sceptical most of the time. After the meeting he asked me what I thought. I could not in good conscious tell him I didn't like the product. It impressed me.

Not because some salesperson got up and said what a great product it was because they wanted everyone to buy something, but because it was a group of every day average folks who had nothing but good to say about it, many elderly, people from all walks of life. Everyone in the room had nothing but good to say about it. And you could tell they were all genuine, every single one of them. It wasn't just a group of people who wanted to impress others who hadn't signed up. These were legitimate people with legitimate issues, who are getting legitimate success. No question about it. People with health problems who found the product to work for them. People who swore by the product even if it had no weight loss benefits (even though most in the room had lost over 20 pounds already.) My friend gave me a week's supply of patches to wear to see what I thought, not because he wanted me to sign up but because he knows I have some health issues and he wanted to see if it would help. The next week he gave me another week's worth.

I've been wearing them for about 3 weeks now. While people say that it takes a while to lose weight, one thing I noticed, is that it elevates your mood, and for me, it has made me feel better. I'm one that has a lot going on in my life. Job insecurity, family issues, health issues, a lot of stress in my life, not to mention trying to figure out the best way to become a successful entrepreneur...just a lot going on... and I have been down a lot lately. However, I've noticed that it doesn't matter what's going on around me, it seems like I'm calmer, have more energy in the morning, and can sleep better at night. I attribute it all to this weight loss patch. The patch contains an appetite suppressant and a few other ingredients that give an overall sense of well being. To learn more about the Nexagen USA products, including the Jen Fe Weight Loss Patch, go to Nexagen USA. I'm considering signing up to be a distributor myself within the week as the business opportunity seems to be very promising. What I like about it most is the product seems to sell itself. Another great thing about it is it makes you feel good knowing you're helping people. Like everything else, it's not for everyone, but something to consider on the road to becoming an entrepreneur.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Entrepreneur news today

Figured I'd write today and just let readers know what I'm doing. I've been working feverishly on my favorite online opportunities
starting with My Online Income System. So far I'm really impressed with it. I'm having a lot of fun so far and am learning a lot, and now I'm to the point that I'm using everything I've learned so money should be pouring in soon.

As I go along, I'll start reviewing other products as well, and letting readers know about great online opportunities I find, and as I run across scams I'll let readers know that also. So far, I haven't found any real scams, but I've being extra cautious. When I decide a product might be right for me to start using, I do some research. I enter the name of the product, followed by the word 'review', then I do the same with the word 'scam' to see what's out there. If there are too many reviews that seem like folks don't like it, I stay away from that opportunity. So far, that approach has worked for me. On the ones I've found so far, I've been definitely impressed and am confident they'll work. They're definitely not scams as all 3 of my favorites show potential, and if you read reviews online, others are finding success. It just takes time.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Making Money Online - the MOIS system - part 2

I'm now on Day 32 of the MOIS system and I like it a lot. I believe it's going to be a starting point of my becoming successful. I like the fact that it uses a day by day approach that helps keep you on track. Before I started using the system, I had done a lot of research but I got to the point I didn't know which way to turn. Seemed like I was doing everything right, but I will admit I was very disorganized. My Online Income System is a way to keep you on track and organized by using the day to day approach to making money online. As part of this blog I will keep my readers informed as I use this for my success, and I'll also let readers know of other things I try along the way. My plan is still to do several things at once, this is the one I'm focusing on right now as I continue to pursue my dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Making Money Online - the MOIS system

Hi there. I picked 3 of the online business opportunities that I liked and decided to give them a shot. The first one, the MOIS plan (My Online Income System) uses a 60 day action plan to help you make money. Im on Day 23 of the plan, and excited to get to the end. It shows day to day what to do to help with making money online. It teaches how to build a business, using several methods as a system. I had been doing a lot of what it suggests, started with blogging, was writing a few articles here and there, but I had no idea if it was the right approach or not. It teaches what the right approaches in easy to follow language. It's fun to get to the computer each night to figure out what the plan says to do next. I'm learning a lot. I suggest you give it a shot if you're serious about making money online. A small frustration I've had with it is along the way it shows some of the methods that cost a little bit, and as I don't have much money coming in, I'm looking for ways I can get going for free. If you follow the plan without taking advantage of some of the offers, you can still make money with it. It's included in the following link. http://yourfreewebsitesystem.com/mynews/

Monday, May 18, 2009

Becoming a blogging entrepreneur

Well, while I've been trying to figure out how to make money with blogging, I started a new job last week as I needed some money coming in while I figure this out. I've been submitting to blog sites as well as subscribing to a few blogs and adding blogs to search engines in hope that it will make a difference. So far, no luck, but I'm determined to make it work. I will keep you posted on my struggles and triumphs along the way. Please feel free to comment if you have any suggestions.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Becoming an entrepreneur - looking for help monetizing

I've been studying the web trying to figure out the best ways to get blogs and sites noticed (free) as I try to build a business. Yesterday I spent the day finding blog engines to submit to, as well as joined a few forums and groups. I joined Entrepreneur = Recovery off of linkedin, Startup Nation, Digg, as well as a local entrepreneur group. Still, I keep checking and I've made only around $3.00. If any one out there has some ways that they have legitimately monetized their sites and blogs, I'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I've been learning about how to get paid blogging, as well as figuring out how to link to other sites and get my sites and blogs noticed. As I've been doing my homework, I found the website http://www.blogsvertise.com/ that's a wealth of information and can help as you're starting out trying to figure out how to monetize your blogs. I now have signed up this blog at their site, and will shortly sign up my other blogs as well.

Monday, April 20, 2009

About Our Company

After working several years for a large corporation and suddenly being laid off due to cancellation of funding, some of us decided we'd had enough. We needed to start a company so that we didn't have to worry about how we were going to support our families in the future. In today's present economy, most jobs for major corporations are not secure. The ones making the decisions in many cases do not care about the average worker that has made the corporations what they are. Instead, they care more about how to decrease costs, even if it means outsourcing jobs to other countries. This company focuses on helping contractors work on what they really like to do, while building up the business so that our contractors can survive in the long term without having to rely on others.